Song Law Firm provided the necessary corporate services in connection with the change in the name of the shares of two closely related companies.

Song Law Firm assisted a client in changing the name of shares of two closely held companies. The client was considering selling one of the two companies soon and needed

Song Law Firm provided the necessary corporate services in connection with the change in the name of the shares of two closely related companies. Read More »

The client worked with us on the contract for the purchase of the karaoke bar and successfully completed the transaction without any problems.

  The customer was looking to buy a karaoke business, and he have come to us to help his with the transaction. Our corporate team quickly prepared the purchase agreement

The client worked with us on the contract for the purchase of the karaoke bar and successfully completed the transaction without any problems. Read More »

For a client who borrowed a large sum of money from a family member, we created a precise and specific loan agreement to avoid any future conflicts.

A client who borrowed an amount in excess of $100,000.00 from a family member came to Song Law Firm. After understanding the client’s situation, our corporate team drafted a loan

For a client who borrowed a large sum of money from a family member, we created a precise and specific loan agreement to avoid any future conflicts. Read More »

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