boy in black and white long sleeve shirt standing beside gray metal watering can during daytime

I’m going to raise my child now! Change of custody after divorce Change of custody after divorce.

Through the previous column, you were informed that you can request adjustment of child support with Post Judgment Motion. This time, your questions about whether it is possible to change custody will be answered. In short, the change of custody is also possible through Post Judgment Motion.

Consider again Squid Games. In the television show, Sung Ki-hoon’s ex-wife leaves for another country (the United States) with her remarried partner and child. Can they indeed go right away? What should Sung Ki Hoon do?

New Jersey’s family law states that if one of the parents with custody of the child moves to a place where it is difficult to interview the child without the consent of the other, it must be ruled by a court. In general, in this situation, the other side will oppose it. The same goes for Sung Ki-hoon. He gets angry and despair when he gets a one-sided notification from his wife. He seems resigned and tired, but does that mean he agreed? So, what kind of legal help can Sung Ki-hoon get?

Hence, Sung Ki-hoon was forced to not see his child due to his ex-wife’s migration to another country. Therefore, Sung Ki-hoon’s right to conduct interviews ruled by the court will be violated, so the court can request the change of custody through Post-Judgment Motion. The court looks at a number of factors about the change in custody, but most importantly, it looks at what the best interest is for the child, or whether it’s a couple, maximizing the benefit. If the court decides that it is better for a child to stay where he or she has lived than to leave for another country, his or her custody can be changed. And now the ex-wife has to pay for the child’s upkeep.

As such, various divorce agreements such as child support and custody can be applied for change even after divorce depending on the situation. In addition, this Post Judgment Motion allows you to adjust and modify the number of interviews with your child or the forced implementation of agreed content. Preparing for this Motion requires a detailed review of existing divorce rulings, clear evidence and documents to convince the court of the changed situation, and the help of a skilled and experienced lawyer.

If the situation has changed dramatically since the divorce, but you are hesitant, consider Post Judgment Motion, where you can request a revision of the ruling. If you have any further questions, please contact us at

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