Legal Column

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Trump Administration’s Immigration Policy Changes: The Impact of Ending Birthright Citizenship and Mass Deportation

Former President Donald Trump has reignited concerns within immigrant communities by announcing campaign pledges to abolish birthright citizenship and deport all undocumented immigrants. Birthright citizenship, enshrined in the 14th Amendment

Trump Administration’s Immigration Policy Changes: The Impact of Ending Birthright Citizenship and Mass Deportation Read More »

타주에서 받은 티켓, 송동호 종합로펌과 함께하면 쉽게 처리할 수 있습니다. (기사 원문 보기)   많은 한국분들이 타주에서 받은 티켓에 대해서는 매우 소홀히 생각하시는 경향이 있는 것 같습니다. 예를 들어, 휴가로 캘리포니아를 갔다가 과속 티켓을 끊고 뉴욕으로 다시 돌아오는 경우를 생각해 볼

타주에서 받은 티켓, 송동호 종합로펌과 함께하면 쉽게 처리할 수 있습니다. Read More »

a close up of a piece of paper with a notice of eviction on it

[Legal Q&A] If a landlord wants to evict a residential tenant, does he have to give a separate eviction notice before starting an eviction lawsuit?

  Reason for eviction Notice period Tenant’s failure to comply with lease terms (other than non-payment of rent) 30 days If a tenant does something illegal in your rented home

[Legal Q&A] If a landlord wants to evict a residential tenant, does he have to give a separate eviction notice before starting an eviction lawsuit? Read More »

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