gray car near brown leafed tree

$22,500 Awarded to a rear-ended client.

According to a report from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, rear-end crashes are one the most frequent, if not most frequent, types of collisions. These accidents can often lead to grave injuries and thus must be taken seriously. Today’s success story is about a client who was rear-ended while waiting stopping for the traffic signal. Due to the large impact from the other vehicle, our client suffered injuries to their neck, right hip, spine, ankle and more. After the client was done treating, we gathered their medical records and learned that they sustained largely soft tissue injuries with disguised herniations at three cervical levels. In the end, we were able to obtain the entirety of the vehicle owner’s policy in the amount of $15,000, $5,000 of the driver’s policy (different from the owner) and an extra $2,500 from the underinsured motorist carrier of the client’s vehicle. Thus, we were able to successfully end the case.


Song Law Firm
Dongho Song Law Firm is a team of professional lawyers specialized in all fields. In any case, we are committed to producing the best possible results. Click here to see more success stories, and click here for our own legal, common sense, and Q&A columns.

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