black Ford car

Successfully settled your case involving a passenger in an accident totaling $415,000.00

Our client’s case was settled successfully with a grand total of $415,000.

Car accidents are never good news, but it is especially unwelcome if it was not your fault. Imagine you were a passenger in a friend’s vehicle that got collided into by a negligent driver. Not only would you be hurt physically, but you would also be frustrated at the unfairness of the situation because it was not your fault. Our client, who was 42 years old at the time, was a passenger in a vehicle traveling lawfully in a northerly direction. Unbeknownst to our client, she would soon receive bad news as well. A second vehicle made a wide left turn around a third vehicle near an adjacent intersection, colliding into our client’s vehicle as it proceeded through the intersection. Due to this accident, our client required a microdiscectomy surgery with decompression of the spinal cord. Injuries to our client included pain to the neck, shoulders, arms, back, and lower legs. Despite the apparent lack of fault of the host, our client was able to attain $15,000 from his liability policy as well as $400,000 from the other driver who so negligently impacted the vehicle our client was in. Thus, our client’s case was settled successfully with a grand total of $415,000.


Song Law Firm
Dongho Song Law Firm is a team of professional lawyers specialized in all fields. In any case, we are committed to producing the best possible results. Click here to see more success stories, and click here for our own legal, common sense, and Q&A columns.

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